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Sako A7 Optilock Base Fits A7 and Weaver / Picatinny Type Rails (S1800916)

S1800916 082442110455


Sako Optilock Bases for A7 PICATINNY, BLU OPTILOCK™ scope mount rings and bases are precisely machined out of solid steel to ensure perfect mating with our integral receiver scope mount rails or Weaver (Picatinny) rails and optimal scope alignment. OPTILOCK™ scope mount bases come clamshell-packed in pairs. All the parts required for assembling bases to receiver and rings to bases are included (plus hex key). OPTILOCK™ scope mount bases are available in three configurations for Sako rifles and one configuration for Tikka and Sako TRG rifles and one configuration for Weaver (Picatinny) rails. All configurations also available in stainless steel, Weaver model also in phospatized configuration. Choice of appropriate Sako base depends on action length, scope tube length and required eye-relief.

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