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Noveske N4 Light Basic MOE Rifle R-LC-MOE, 5.56mm NATO, 16", Magpul MOE Stock, Black Finish, 30 Rd



NKE N4 Light Basic MOE Rifle 5.56 NATO 14.5 Inch Barrel with Permanently Attached Blackout Flashider for a Total Length of 16 Inches Black 30 Round

N4 Light Carbine Basic MOE

Cold hammer forged barrel. Made of Mil Spec M249 Machine Gun barrel steel, with heavy M249 Chrome Lining. Extended Feed Ramps. MP HP tested with certification. 1 in 7 inch twist. Mil Spec Phosphate finish. Mid length gas system. 1/2x28 threads. Fixed front sight base, F marked. MOE rear flip-up sight. Flat-top upper receiver. MOE Handguard. Shot peened and MP tested bolt. Auto carrier with properly staked carrier key. Gun Fighter Charging Handle. Blackout Non-Mount Flash Suppressor pinned to 16 inches OAL. Gen I Lower. Mil-Spec receiver extension. QD End Plate, staked. H Buffer. MOE Stock. MOE pistol grip. One 30 rd mag included.

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