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Kahr P380 Pistol w/Laser KP3833L, 380 ACP, 2.53 in, Textured Polymer Grip, Stainless Finish, 6 Rd

KP3833L 602686168038


KAHR ARMS w/Crimson Trace Laser Sight

Kahr Arms KP3833L P380 380 ACP w/CT Laser 2.53 in 6+1 Textured Poly Grip/Stainless

SUPERCHARGED by the Ruger LCP and the resurgent Kel-Tec P3AT, the market niche of wafer-thin vest pocket size .380s that weigh under ten ounces is one of the hottest in the defensive firearms world. Enter the Kahr P380. With a 15-year record of making high-quality, compact and subcompact pistols in 9mm, .40, and .45 ACP, Kahr Arms has scaled their standard design down further with a micro .380 that carries small and shoots big. The 6-round magazine is barely larger than a Bic lighter, and so long as the trigger guard is covered, the pistol is perfectly safe to carry with a seventh round in the chamber, ready to go. The P380 features black polymer frame, matte stainless slide, Crimson Trace triggerguard laser. 2.53 in , Premium Lothar Walther match grade barrel, drift adjustable, white bar-dot combat sights.

Mfg Item Num: KP3833L
Category: PISTOLS
Type :Pistol
Action :Double
Caliber :380 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP)
Barrel Length :2.53 in
Capacity :6+1
Safety :Striker, Trigger, Decocker
Grips :Textured Polymer
Sights :Adjustable
Weight :9.9 oz
Frame Finish :Black
Frame Material :Polymer
Barrel Type :Premium Lothar Walther Match Grade
Slide Description :Stainless Steel
Case Type :
Barrel Finish :
Barrel Length Range :2.00 in to 2.99 in
Weight Range :9.01 oz to 15.99 oz

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