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Hornady SubSonic Rifle Ammunition 82742, 45-70 Govt, Sub-X, 410 GR, 20 Rd/bx

82742 090255827422
1 Box $39.99
10 Boxes $399.90 FREE SHIPPING
Qty limit of 10 per customer.


Hornady Subsonic Ammunition, designed for accuracy and performance below the speed of sound. Hornady Subsonic Ammunition doesn't have the loud report of a supersonic round, and paired with a suppressor, its even quieter. Unique powders optimized for subsonic use result in a low flash signature, ideal for either suppressed or unsuppressed performance. This model is a 410 gr 45-70 Government caliber and includes 20 round per box.

Brand Hornady
Category Centerfire Rifle Rounds
Caliber 45-70 Gov
Model Subsonic
Bullet Weight 410 gr
Rounds Per Box 20
Application Medium Game
Boxes Per Case 10
Bullet Type Sub-X

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  • You must be 18 to purchase shotgun ammo, or 21 for rifle & pistol ammunition.
  • Non-returnable item. For safety reasons, we cannot accept returns on ammo.
  • Make sure you use the correct ammunition in your gun.
  • Check your local laws before ordering.
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