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Hornady Dangerous Game Rifle Ammunition 82682, 500-416 Nitro Express, Dangerous Game Solid, 400 GR, 20 Rd/Bx

82682 090255826821


Hornady 82682 Dagerous Game Solid 500/416 Nitro Express 400 GR 20BX/ 6 Cs
HORNADY MFG CO 500-416 Nitro Express

Hornady 82682 Dagerous Game Solid 500/416 Nitro Express 400 GR 20BX/ 6 Cs

Hornady DGS bullets feature an advanced profile built of the toughest materials that penetrate through thick hide, dense muscle and hard bone. This bullet delivers maximum stopping power. The business end of the DGS bullet features a wide, flat nose that delivers maximum energy upon impact while resisting bullet deformation and deflection. Incorporating a very hard, high antimony lead core with a copper clad, steel jacket, this bullet maintains integrity and overall weight retention when driving through even the toughest hide and bone. Uniform in shape and size to the DGX (Dangerous Game Expanding) bullet, you can reliably and accurately shoot both from the same firearm with little to no shift in point of aim or impact.

Mfg Item Num: 82682
Caliber :500/416 Nitro Express
Bullet Type :Dangerous Game Solid
Bullet Weight :400 GR
Muzzle Energy :
Muzzle Velocity :
Rounds Per Box :20
Boxes Per Case :6
Application :Large Game
Casing Material :Brass
Coefficient :.319

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  • You must be 18 to purchase shotgun ammo, or 21 for rifle & pistol ammunition.
  • Non-returnable item. For safety reasons, we cannot accept returns on ammo.
  • Make sure you use the correct ammunition in your gun.
  • Check your local laws before ordering.
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