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Hornady Custom Rifle Ammunition GMX 82220, 300 Weatherby Magnum, Gilding Metal Expanding, 165 GR, 20 Rd/bx

82220 090255822205



Custom GMX

300 Weatherby Magnum, Gilding Metal Expanding (GMX), 165 GR, 20 Rd/bx

Millions of successful hunts have proven the accuracy and deadly knockdown power of the famous Hornady bullets we load into every Hornady Custom rifle cartridge. Each cartridge is loaded to ensure optimal pressure, velocity and consistency. Much of the brass is made by Hornady, the rest carefully selected for reliable feeding, corrosion resistance, hardness and the ability to withstand maximum chamber pressure. Like the powder, each primer is carefully matched to individual loads, and specially selected for their ability to quickly, completely and reliably ignite the powder charge. The Hornady GMX (Gilding Metal eXpanding) bullets and factory ammunition offer the hunter who favors an expanding monolithic bullet a better choice. GMX bullets are constructed of the same gilding metal used to make ultra-consistent Hornady bullet jackets. Gilding metal doesn't foul like "sticky" solid copper, and strategically located grooves in the bearing surface of the bullet reduce pressure. GMX bullets are designed to expand to 1.5 times their original diameter and retain over 95% of their original weight. They're no slouch in the penetration department either, routinely penetrating over 30" in gelatin tests.
* Streamlined design for ultra-flat trajectories
* Devastating terminal performance across a wide range of velocities
* Gilding metal construction and double cannelures reduce fouling
* Lead-free and California compatible

Mfg Item Num: 82220
Caliber :300 Weatherby Magnum
Bullet Type :Gilding Metal Expanding (GMX)
Bullet Weight :165 GRAINS
Muzzle Energy :3612 ft-lbs
Muzzle Velocity :3140 fps
Rounds-box :20 Rounds Per Box, 10 Boxes Per Case

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  • You must be 18 to purchase shotgun ammo, or 21 for rifle & pistol ammunition.
  • Non-returnable item. For safety reasons, we cannot accept returns on ammo.
  • Make sure you use the correct ammunition in your gun.
  • Check your local laws before ordering.
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