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Hornady American Gunner Pistol Ammunition 90224, 9mm +P, XTP, 124 GR, 1200 fps, 25 Rd/bx

90224 090255902242
(1 Reviews)
1 Box $17.99
10 Boxes $179.90 FREE SHIPPING
Qty limit of 10 per customer.


The American Gunner line of ammunition is a collection of tried-and-true, versatile loads that are popular with shooters for their target shooting, hunting or self-defense needs.

Made in the USA with premium components, American Gunner ammunition combines generations of ballistics know-how with modern components and technology.

Preliminary offerings feature legendary XTP (eXtreme Terminal Performance) bullets that have been favorites for decades. Designed for hunting, self-defense and law enforcement applications, the XTP bullet is exceptionally accurate, and is the choice of many top competitive shooters around the world.

Hornady American Gunner ammunition proudly made in the USA!

Mfg item bumber: 90224
Caliber: 9mm +P Luger
Grain: 124
Bullet: Hornady XTP
Velocity: 1200 fps
Energy: 396 ft-lbs
Ballistic Coeffecient: .165
Sectional Density: .141
Quantity: 25 per box

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  • You must be 18 to purchase shotgun ammo, or 21 for rifle & pistol ammunition.
  • Non-returnable item. For safety reasons, we cannot accept returns on ammo.
  • Make sure you use the correct ammunition in your gun.
  • Check your local laws before ordering.
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