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Browning Gold Light Shotgun 011287113, 10 Gauge, 28", 3-1/2" Chmbr, Composite Stock, Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades Finish

011287113 023614397854



Browning 011287113 Gold Semi-Automatic 10 ga 28 in 3.5 in Syn w/Dura-Touch

The Browning Gold is a proven standard for auto loading performance. Featuring Browning's speed loading, with the action open. The first shell inserted into the magazine is sent directly to the chamber, ready to be fired. There is less recoil with the active valve, using gas from fired shells to operate the action instead of contributing to recoil. Because the active valve expels unnecessary gases, it naturally reduces recoil before it ever reaches your shoulder. They also feature a magazine cut-off, and are equipped with the Invector-Plus choke tube system.

Mfg Item Num: 011287113
Category: SHOTGUNS
Action :Semi-Automatic
Gauge :10 Gauge
Barrel Length :28 in
Capacity :4+1
Chamber :3.5 in
OAL :50 in
Weight :9.62 lbs
Drop :1.5 in @ Comb & 2.5 in @ Heel
Receiver Description:Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades Aluminum Alloy
Stock Description :Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades Synthetic

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