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Adventure Medical Bens 100 Max Tick/Insect Repellent 1.25oz Orange (00067070)

00067070 044224102058


ADVENTURE MEDICAL KITS Tick and Insect repellent

ADVENTURE MEDICAL KITS 00067070 Bens 100 Max Tick/Insect Repellent 1.25oz Orange

Ben's 100 MAX Tick & Insect Repellent contains the maximum amount of DEET for use in areas of high bug density with intense biting activity. For use when other inesct repellents just won't cut it, Ben's 100 MAX provides up to 10 hours of prection from ticks and insects that may carry West Nile Virus, Lyme diease, Malaria, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), and other infectious diseases. Small portable size is easy to carry, while providing enough repellent for several days on the trail. Don't Get Bitten, Get Ben's!

Mfg Item Num: 00067070
Type :Insect Spray
Model or Style :
Color :Orange
Size :1.25 oz
Material :
Gauge :
Mount :
Battery Config :None
Height :
Model Fit :

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